With over 25 years of experience, I'm a dedicated & experienced professional in the freight forwarding business, air cargo shipment, customs clearance, offshore shipping services, project logistics & transportation, heavy lifting and heavy cargo transport engineering.
Learning Sing & Songs - Learning Prayer - Learning Al Qur'an
Learning Bahasa Indonesia - Learning English - Learning Arabic Language - Learning Mathematics - Learning Al Qur'an - Learning Aqidah Ahlaq - Learning Basic Fiqh Islam - Learning Indonesia Cultures
Learning Bahasa & Sastra Indonesia - Learning English - Learning Arabic Language - Learning Mathematics - Learning Nature Science & Biology - Learning Social Science - Learning Geography & Astronomy - Learning World History & Tarikh (Islam History) - Learning Al Qur'an & Hadist - Learning Aqidah Ahlaq & Fiqih Islam - Learning Indonesia Cultures and Struggle of Indonesia
Learning Bahasa & Sastra Indonesia - Learning English - Learning Arabic Language - Learning Algebra, Arithmetic, and Trigonometry - Learning Physic Science & Biology - Learning Technical Drawing - Learning Geography & Astronomy - Learning World History & Tarikh (Islam History) - Learning Al Qur'an & Hadist - Learning Aqidah Ahlaq & Advance Fiqih Islam - Learning Indonesia Cultures and Struggle of Indonesia
Study data analysis, modeling & simulation, facility layout, material handling, manufacturing scheduling and inventory, system safety, operations research, human-computer interaction, organizational structure, project management, cost optimization, and involves finding ways to make systems and processes work more efficiently and effectively.
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